Corenet Global Singapore Symposium 2012: “Rising ASEAN within Asia: The impact to our CRE World”

When:  Nov 1, 2012 from 08:30 AM to 05:00 PM (SGT)
Associated with  Singapore

It is clear that Asia is playing a more dominant and controlling role in shaping the global economy and, even within Asia, we are starting to see a tide of Rising ASEAN nations having greater impact on Asia’s growth and significant influence on global issues.


ASEAN countries are demonstrating unprecedented growth of middle income earners, that will contribute to exponential global GDP growth. Just consider what these countries are known for:

  • · Indonesia - world’s most populous Islamic Nation with largest middle income population growth
  • · Singapore - largest proliferation of mobile phones per capita
  • · Vietnam - nation with highest average population under 40 years old
  • · Cambodia - latest kid on the block within the changed political climate, with potential inroads for new development
  • · Malaysia, Philippines and Thailand form almost 40% of the GDP of all ASEAN countries put together.


So…. What does this mean for CRE executives?


Join us for a 1 day CoreNet symposium where we will dive deeper into how ‘ASEAN rising within Asia’ affects us and how our companies’ strategies differ from that of the rest of the world - thus affecting how we manage our complex world of Corporate Real Estate.


Learn from experts on how market practices in ASEAN affect the real estate industry. Understand how the young and vibrant economies changing workplace practices impact how we manage projects and manage our premises.


Participate in debate and discussion with your peers on changing workplace practices, technology penetration and the management of mindset change across ASEAN countries, and how they impact the future of workplace and real estate.


Also, exclusive this year, join us with our Venue Sponsor this year …. Microsoft, arguably the world’s leader in technology and software, and see first hand how they use their technology to optimise their workplace and enable their workforce.

We look forward to seeing you at the Singapore Corenet Symposium 2012.

An event not to be missed!



Microsoft Technology Center
One Marina Blvd, Level 22


Emma Britton